© João Garcia and Berta Rodrigues
1st Edição:
Publisher Caderno, January 2007, 256 pages
only available in portuguese
“In 2000, after some time recovering from the accident on Mt. Everest, Joao Garcia decided to test his physical and emotional endurance and continue to do what he likes most: climbing mountains. After returning to Everest, as a small homage to his deceased partner, climbing in the mountains of Peru, Nepal, Pakistan and Antarctica made him see that he was capable of continuing.
His new book, Mais Além (Going Further) is inspired by these climbing adventures, and is a testament to the courage and determination of someone who doesn’t wish to give up.”
“After Everest I have already traveled the world. I went to the Atlas, the Andes, Alaska, Antarctica, and I returned, I always return, to the Himalayas.”
João Garcia
Where to buy (only in portuguese): Leya online